Behind The Scenes

Creating family fitness

Behind the scenes videos of the ideas, people, challenges and opportunities we encounter weekly as we build the family fitness program.

Teamfitness program in action. A family working through an online personal training session.

Our YouTube Channel

Our weekly video is released every Sunday at 07:00 GMT. These videos will show you why and how the family fitness program has been created. You get to meet the trainers and follow their journey as we grow our team.
Real life testimonial from families on the program and as an added bonus you get to see how Mike balances building a brand with his family life. Subscribe and be part of the journey.
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Changing A Business Idea | EP 043
Why You Should Start Fitness As Young As You Can | EP 044
Why It's Important To Believe What You're Selling | Family Fitness Programme | EP 041
Where we would like to be | EP 49
An honest conversation | EP 50
Where Mike’s Personal Training Journey Started | EP51
The Teamfitness app designed to manage the Family Fitness program.
Discover Family Fitness

Creating Healthy Habits Together

We are a team who support families & communities by providing a comprehensive online platform that fosters health, wellness and strong family bonds through personalised training and coaching.

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